Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM): What will you be doing?

Check out CALCASA to see what they are doing!

When I was living in California every year in Santa Cruz we had Denim Day.

Denim Day, an event across California and the nation in which participants wear denim to “speak out against sexual violence.” 
In recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Denim Day is a an opportunity for rape crisis centers and rape prevention programs across the state to engage their communities, public officials and stakeholders, and shine the light on the issue of sexual assault.
In the 12 years that it has existed, Denim Day has galvanized public and private business, students, legislature, funders and the public at-large. It has symbolically helped this movement to build awareness, momentum and to engage new allies in the work of eliminating sexual violence.
Denim day was born in 1999, when the Italian Supreme Court overturned a rape conviction because the victim was wearing tight jeans. The Judge argued, “because the victim wore very, very tight jeans, she had to help him remove them,” concluding “it was no longer rape but consensual sex.”
Please join the CALCASA staff and rape crisis centers across California and the nation and those committed to eliminating sexual violence, by wearing jeans as a symbol of protest against destructive attitudes about sexual assault. (from