Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Story of Healing and Strength: Intro

It has been 11 years since my sexual assault and 11 years since I started my path on learning how to heal and gather my strength to become the person I was meant to be, despite the fact I was raped at 14. I would like to begin posting frequently under "My Story of Healing and Strength" in hope others walking down the same path can gather hope from my posts. You will also see posts under "Healing Power of Horses" and "Phototherapy" as these are two of the things that have helped me immensely on my journey. Good luck on your journey, I look forward to sharing mine with you.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Regain Your Voice: New Design!

Welcome to the NEW Regain Your Voice site! A very special thank you to Claudia Sutton for designing the new site! I look forward to posting on the new site!
